A new name for the Foundation

Monday, October 26, 2020
We will always be strongly connected to the original vision and values of the organisation.

Avner Pancreatic Cancer Foundation is changing our name to PanKind, The Australian Pancreatic Cancer Foundation, a name with a direct connection to the reason we exist and one that makes us easier to find. Our change importantly reflects our ongoing evolution into a comprehensive organisation committed to increasing survival and quality of life for pancreatic cancer patients and their families around the country.

Since 2007 the Foundation has invested $7.6m into pancreatic cancer research, united over 25,000 Australians to raise funds and increase awareness, and have been instrumental in driving the pancreatic cancer agenda across the nation.

Reflecting on the history of the Foundation, Co-Founder Caroline Kelly said “In 2007 my husband Avner was diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer, and it soon became clear that it wasn’t just Avner who faced such a prognosis. In the months prior to his passing, Avner had a dream to see future patients face better outcomes and we felt a “moral duty” to continue the effort to improve outcomes for patients and their families.

Avner would have been proud of what we have achieved so far, and supportive of this evolution into an organisation that is now committed to not only cutting-edge medical research but also the support we offer to patients, carers and all those Australians impacted by pancreatic cancer”.

We committed to our first mission in 2012 and we aimed to see pancreatic cancer survival double by 2020. With that goal achieved, we have set our sights even higher for the next decade. In order to do that we have been working for the last year to focus on:

  • Partnerships and collaboration to increase progress, impact and to meet our mission.
  • Increased engagement with clinicians with the creation of a Clinician Advisory Panel.
  • Advice from our internationally recognised Scientific Advisory Panel.
  • A clear research funding strategy across the entire pathway to build capacity, fast-track discovery and accelerate treatments to patients.
  • Increased support for patients and carers with the creation of valuable resources to assist them in their pancreatic cancer journey.
  • A strong relationship with Cancer Australia as a key Roadmap contributor.
  • Investment in building a stronger, more supportive community and supporter base through digital networks and platforms.

We are very committed to the incredible legacy of the Foundation and the Avner name will live on through our grants program. We will always be strongly connected to the original vision and values of the organisation.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our entire community of supporters, for it is without this support today’s and tomorrow’s pancreatic cancer patients and their families would have far less to hope for.

PanKind is committed to making an impact on one of the deadliest cancers and we want individuals and organisations to join us on the journey so we can solve the problem together. Your support means everything!