Regular giving

Our regular givers are a powerful group of supporters who believe that survival from Pancreatic Cancer is possible.

Make a regular tax deductible donation to Pancreatic Cancer research

Our regular givers are a powerful group of supporters who believe in a world where survival from Pancreatic Cancer is possible. They are taking action to make it happen, and we are incredibly grateful for their support.

Making progress possible with regular donations

Our regular givers are often surprised to realise the difference they have made. Their monthly donations accumulate over time into an amount that truly has the power to save lives and bring hope to Pancreatic Cancer patients and their families. When they give together, real progress is possible.

Become an Avner Pancreatic Cancer Foundation regular giver today!

Monthly donations: How it works:

Regular giving with the Avner Foundation is processed on a monthly basis, via an automated donation from your bank account or credit card. We are very happy to accommodate any preferences you might have for an alternative donation frequency. Feel free to contact us about your circumstances so that we can help work out the best option for you.

We will notify you to confirm when your first regular gift has been processed. Please note, this notification will not be your tax-deductible donation receipt. Your official receipt will be sent in July, and will represent your total contribution to the Foundation for the financial year.

Please let us know if you prefer to receive this annual tax receipt via email or post.

As a valued regular giver you will receive updates about the research we are funding, as well as information about upcoming events.

Month Memorial Gifts: Your tribute to a loved one:

Many of our regular givers dedicate their monthly donations to a loved one who may have bravely survived Pancreatic Cancer, who is currently being treated, or who has tragically passed away from this devastating disease.

For these regular givers, we set up a special memorial fund within our system, so that at any given time, we will be able to tell how much they have contributed in honour of that special someone.