Leave a gift in your Will

Every bequest helps us get closer to our goal, to triple the survival rate for pancreatic cancer by 2030.

Leaving a gift in your Will is a powerful and generous way to help improve the outcomes for patients with pancreatic cancer.

Every bequest helps us get closer to our goal, to triple the pancreatic cancer survival rate by 2030.

The bequest can be made when you write your Will or added in a codicil to your existing Will. A codicil is a document which changes the terms of your existing Will, without the need to make a new Will.

It is strongly recommended that you consult your solicitor when making a Will or changing its terms under a codicil. This will ensure that the bequest is properly documented in a legally binding way.

Recommended wording:

  • If you wish to give a percentage of your estate: I give a ###% share of my residuary estate to PanKind, The Australian Pancreatic Cancer Foundation Limited ABN 22 145 513 060 of Suite B, Building 32, Suakin Drive, Mosman NSW 2088 for its general purposes free of all duties and I declare that the receipt of the treasurer or other authorised officer of the Foundation is an absolute discharge to my executors and trustees.
  • If you wish to give a specific sum: I give the sum of $### to PanKind Foundation Limited ABN 22 145 513 060 of Suite B, Building 32, Suakin Drive, Mosman NSW 2088 for its general purposes free of all duties and I declare that the receipt of the treasurer or other authorised officer of the Foundation is an absolute discharge to my executors and trustees.
  • If you wish to give specific items: I give [insert specific description of item/s] to PanKind Foundation Limited ABN 22 145 513 060 of Suite B, Building 32, Suakin Drive, Mosman NSW 2088 for its general purposes free of all duties and I declare that the receipt of the treasurer or other authorised officer of the Foundation is an absolute discharge to my executors and trustees.
  • If you wish to make a gift of your entire estate after payment of your debts, funeral and estate administration expenses and any other bequests to other parties: I give to PanKind, The Australian Pancreatic Cancer Foundation Limited ABN 22 145 513 060 of Suite B, Building 32, Suakin Drive, Mosman NSW 2088. for its general purposes, my residuary estate free of all duties and I declare that the receipt of the treasurer or other authorised officer of the Foundation is an absolute discharge to my executors and trustees.

If you would like to talk to a senior team member about leaving a gift in your Will or form part of your estate, please contact us on info@pankind.org.au.