Ways to Give

Giving in memory or leaving a gift in your will is a way to leave a lasting legacy that can help improve survival rates and quality of life for future patients.

Thank you for supporting PanKind, The Australian Pancreatic Cancer Foundation in our mission to dramatically increase survival rates and quality of life for pancreatic cancer patients and their families

Here are a number of easy ways to give:

Making a Donation
You can choose to make a once-off donation, or a recurring monthly gift of support, simply select to give regularly when setting up your donation.

  • Donate online - Click here to make a tax-deductible donation online using a credit card (VISA, Mastercard or American Express). All online credit card transactions are made via our partner GoFundraise, who deploy secure transaction processing.
  • Donate offline - Download and complete our donation form to make a tax-deductible donation offline using a credit card (VISA or Mastercard), cheque or direct deposit.
  • Other - Contact us to discuss other options for donation.

You can also support the work of PanKind through a number of established donation channels including:

  • In memory giving - Celebrate the life and achievements of a loved one by gifting in lieu of flowers and provide a lasting tribute.
  • Leave a gift in your Will - Perhaps one of the most precious gifts of all is to leave a legacy to PanKind through your Estate. This gift will ensure the ongoing work to find a cure for pancreatic cancer in perpetuity.
  • Regular giving - Join our amazing team of regular givers, a powerful group of partners who believe that survival from pancreatic cancer is possible.
  • Workplace giving - Make regular tax-deductible donations through your payroll.

Support us and Take action!

Become more involved in raising awareness and vital funds, and Take Action for Pancreatic Cancer research! By getting involved in fundraising, volunteering or joining us at one of our many community initiatives you will become a powerful and empowered supporter dedicated to making a difference.