
#PlayinPurple for pancreatic cancer this September.

#PlayinPurple 2020

During the month of September, football players from clubs and codes across the nation pulled on their purple socks to help raise awareness for a disease that is on track to become the third most common cancer killer in Australia this year.  The #PlayinPurple campaign continues to grow since inception and this year saw over 5500 players wearing purple socks to raise awareness for pancreatic cancer. 

Isabella Di Manno started the campaign in 2015 after the sudden death of her fiancee’s mother to the disease. Her family had always been very involved in football, and Isabella saw this as the perfect way to raise awareness and critical funds into research, improving diagnosis and treatment.  “The campaign continues to grow from strength to strength each year, drawing much-needed attention to pancreatic cancer. It’s wonderful to see the participation grow across clubs, codes and regions and reading the testimonials and talking to players, its clear the campaign unities people and communities through active participation.

The #PlayinPurple 2020 campaign was supported by Football NSW and high-profile associations since inception but this year sees endorsement and direct support from A-League Clubs Sydney FC and Perth Glory, with both clubs sharing key campaign messages and offering high participating clubs free match day tickets for the 2021 season.

Key information for the 2020 campaign:

  • #PlayinPurple 2020 runs in the first three weekends of September (clubs choose their round to play in purple socks)
  • All players, clubs and codes are encouraged to participate Australia wide, with a simple change of your local club socks to purple socks for one weekend!
  • Avner Foundation purple socks are $15 per pair and the funds raised will go toward pancreatic cancer research and patient support
  • A #PlayinPurple pack including a social media guide is provided. Campaign hashtags #playinpurple #pancreaticcancer @avnersfoundation
  • Clubs and associations are able to make a direct donation to PanKind.

The campaign is supported each year by Football NSW, and you can read the 2019 article on their website.

The success of Purple Socks is thanks to everyone involved and determined to make a difference.
Please spread the word and let’s make Isabella’s dream an even bigger reality!