Apply for a grant

We welcome research grant funding applications each year.

Grant applications

PanKind’s grants aim to encourage new ideas, build the capacity of Australian pancreatic cancer research and find new, more effective treatments to improve outcomes for patients.

Learn more about the research we fund or our research strategy.

Collaboration Grant 2020

$300,000 over 2 years

The Collaboration Grant aims to provide funding to Australian researchers to participate in collaborative research projects. This grant also encourages cross-disciplinary collaboration, between pancreatic cancer research groups and other specialities, for example immunotherapy, nanotechnology, genomics and bioinformatics.

How to apply

To apply for a grant, you will need to complete PanKind’s Grant Application form, available from this page in November 2020. The application requires detailed information about the principle investigator (applicant), the project, the project timeline and collaborators involved in the project. The application will also need to explain how the project meets grant category objectives and how the budget will be used.


Applications open November 2020.

Applications close February 2021.

Each application will be assessed by our Scientific Advisory Panel.

Please check back for exact opening and closing dates or sign up for our newsletter to be notified when our grants rounds will be open.

Assessment criteria

Collaboration Grant assessment criteria will be available in November 2020. However an example of assessment criteria our Scientific Advisory Panel will use to review the applications may include:

  • Scientific quality and innovation (35%) - e.g. is the project novel, are the hypotheses sound, and are methodology and analyses well-reasoned and appropriate to accomplish the aims of the project? Does the application challenge and seek to shift current research or clinical paradigms by utilising novel theoretical approaches or methodologies, instrumentation, or interventions? How does the project complement work already being done in the field?
  • Potential Clinical Impact and Significance (25%) - e.g. Does the project address an important problem or a critical barrier to progress in the field? If the aims are achieved how might this impact on pancreatic cancer survival rates? How will scientific knowledge, technical capability and/or clinical practice be improved?
  • Investigator team (20%) - Is the investigator team well-conceived for the project? Are collaborations involving external partners including international investigations likely to be enhanced by this project?
  • Project management (10%) - Are the proposed activities aligned with the goals? Are the milestones clearly defined and achievable within the timeframe?
  • Budget (10%) - Is the proposed budget comprehensive and realistic, noting all in kind and financial support from the applicant organisation?


Collaboration Grant eligibility criteria will be available in November 2020. However, some general criteria may include:

  • The application has been submitted using the PanKind Grant Application Form,
  • The Administering institution agrees to the terms and conditions of funding as outlined in the PanKind Standard Grant Terms and Conditions,
  • The grant applicant (Principal Investigator) resides in Australia,
  • The grant applicant’s administering institution is an Australian organisation.

Please note, recipients of an Accelerator Grant cannot apply for a further grant from the Foundation until we are satisfied that the Project has been completed, at the sole discretion of the Foundation.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our grants, or would like more information about our grant application process, please email