Our impact

Since PanKind, The Australian Pancreatic Cancer Foundation was formed in 2008, we have been committed to our mission of improving survival and quality of life for people impacted by pancreatic cancer.

To do this we must improve treatments, raise awareness and funds and take a national, collaborative approach.

Learn more about how we are driving change through our impact programs.

What we've achieved

Learn more about what we’ve achieved between 2008 and 2019, here.


What is medical research?

Medical research is the scientific process of developing an idea to improve the health and well-being of people. Learn more about how medical research works, the stages and types and why it is important, here.

Our research strategy

Research is the key to finding better treatments and increasing survival for people with pancreatic cancer. Learn more about our national strategy to improve survival from pancreatic cancer, here.



Research we fund

Since 2008 we have invested $7.6 million into pancreatic cancer research across some of Australia's top research institutions. Learn more about the research we fund, here.



Apply for a grant

We fund research grants that aim to better understand and treat pancreatic cancer. Learn more about how to apply for funding, here.


Networks of Excellence

Learn more about how we are bringing clinical and research experts together to collaborate and contribute to a nationally aligned approach to treating pancreatic cancer, here.