Participate in research

People affected by pancreatic cancer can get involved in research.

PanKind strongly believes that research will lead to improved outcomes for people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and their families.

It is essential that people affected by pancreatic cancer are involved in cancer research studies to ensure the specific needs and experiences of those impacted by pancreatic cancer are represented and addressed.

The studies included on this page are psychological and social studies. There is further information about clinical trials at the bottom of the page, or you can visit our clinical trials page to find out more.

The following studies are not managed by the PanKind. They are managed by academic research groups who will ensure that their findings are made public through research publications for the benefit of all.

Open studies

Cancer Symptom Management, University of Technology, Sydney

About the study:
The researchers are interested in which cancer symptoms have the biggest impact on daily life for people that are living with or have lived with cancer and those that take care of them.

You are invited to participate in a survey study which is aiming to identify the key research questions which should be addressed as a priority to improve the management of symptoms related to cancer and its treatment.

People living with cancer, over the age of 18.
People caring for someone with cancer, over the age of 18.

Find out more:

Targeted Therapies in Cancer Care, The University of Sydney

About the study:
Social science researchers at the University of Sydney want to hear about your experiences with cancer and receiving targeted therapies, sometimes known as precision therapies, immunotherapies, or molecular therapies.

Those over the age of 18 that have been screened for, received or are receiving targeted therapies for their cancer.

Find out more:
For more information and to register your interest, please contact:
Dr Alex Page,, (+61) 0466 117 792;
Prof Alex Broom,, (+61) 0413 060 436; or
Dr Katherine Kenny,, (+61) 0478 960 578.

Download the information flyer.

Participate in Clinical Trials
Cancer clinical trials are carefully designed research studies which aim to find out if a new treatment or procedure is safe and effective. If you are interested in participating in a clinical trial, please speak to your doctor to make sure that it is right for you.

Find out what clinical trials are available, via the Cancer Australia Cancer Trials database here.