Pancreatic cancer statistics

Pancreatic cancer has a five-year survival rate of only 10.7%

The statistics highlight the problem of pancreatic cancer. We believe they are unacceptable, which is why we have made it our mission to drastically improve survival rates and quality of life for people impacted by pancreatic cancer. Read more about our approach to tackling pancreatic cancer.

  • In 2020, it is estimated 3,933 new cases of pancreatic cancer will be diagnosed (1).
  • In 2020, it is estimated 3,300 Australians will die from pancreatic cancer (1).
  • The Australian five-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer is 10.7% (1).
  • It is predicted pancreatic cancer will become the 3rd biggest cancer killer in Australia in 2020 (2).
  • Median life expectancy after diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is less than 12 months for 80 per cent of people diagnosed (3)(4)(5).



  1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2020. Cancer data in Australia. Cat. no. CAN 122. Canberra: AIHW. Viewed 17 August 2020, Pancreatic cancer (ICD-10 code C25)
  2. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2020. Cancer data in Australia. Cat. no. CAN 122. Canberra: AIHW. Viewed 17 August 2020, Pancreatic cancer (ICD-10 code C25) mortality rates, all ages and persons.
  3. Ducreux, A. Sa. Cuhna, C. Caramella, A. Hollebecque, P. Burtin, D. Goéré,
    T. Seufferlein, K. Haustermans, J. L. Van Laethem, T. Conroy & D. Arnold. (2015). Cancer of the pancreas: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Annals of Oncology 26 (Supplement 5): v56–v68, 2015. doi:10.1093/annonc/mdv295
  4. C. Gandy, A. P. Barbour, J. Samra, M. Nikfariam, K. Haghighi, J. G. Kench, P. Saxena, D. Goldstein. (2016). Refining the care of patients with pancreatic cancer: the AGITG Pancreatic Cancer Workshop consensus. The Medical Journal of Australia: v204(11).
  5. M. A. Tempero, M.P. Malafa, M. Al-Hawary, H. Asbun, A. Bain, S. W. Behrman, A. B. Benson III, E. Binder, D. B. Cardin, C. Cha, E. G. Chiorean, V. Chung, B. Czito, M. Dillhoff, E. Dotan, C. R. Ferrone, J. Hardacre, W. G. Hawkins,J. Herman, A. H. Ko, S. Komanduri, A. Koong, N. LoConte, A. M. Lowy, C. Moravek, E. K. Nakakura, E. M. O’Reilly, J. Obando, S. Reddy, C. Scaife, S. Thayer, C. D. Weekes, R. A. Wolff, B. M. Wolpin, J. Burns; and S. Darlow. (2017). Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma, Version 2.2017, NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. J Natl Compr Canc Netw 2017;15(8):1028–1061 doi: 10.6004/jnccn.2017.0131